Hey everyone!

I'm Chandler! I'm 20-year-old pre-dental hygiene student going into my third year of college! I love to workout and write so I'm combining my love of both into this blog. So in general it will be about getting fit, but I'll probably throw a little of my life in there as well! I hope you enjoy reading and feel free to contact me anytime, I love making new friends!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Back to Reality

Oh how I miss the sandy beaches and gentle roll of the waves as I laid on a towel and read my book! Florida was a lot of fun and relaxation but now it's back to the grind of waking up early and going to work. Just to bring back some memories of last week:
 This was chargrilled amberjack with zucchini and hush puppies! It was delicious:)
And this was stuffed shrimp with a twice baked potato and corn medley, makes my mouth water just looking at it!

The beach was wonderful! The water was so clear and it wasn't too rough, I love just floating around in the ocean.

That's me and two of my brothers, Austin and Nathaniel.
And then my other two brothers, Elijah and Micah and my cousin Caroline! I'm not sure what Elijah is doing haha!

We also went and saw the movie Brave while we were there! I absolutely loved it and highly recommend it! I shopped around some and I got a dress and belt and adorable Steve Madden nude pumps with a bow on them!!
There is my outfit that I got! And my friend Jenny, she's precious! Love our Sunday morning attire!
But anyways, it's good to be back in our routine, though I will miss the beach until next year :)

Happy reading!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

The beach life for me!!

We made it to the beach around 6:20 this morning after driving all night. Let me tell you, riding in the back of a Suburban sandwiched between two little brothers all night isn't my idea of a good time. We met up with my grandparents and aunt and cousin down here and had some fun on the beach today. Only a little seaweed in the water but overall it is beautiful!

This is my new obsession! I asked mom for a book that I could read at the beach and she handed me this. Jodi Picoult is a master storyteller. She can weave an intricate tale with shocking twists that will leave you turning the pages just to read one more sentence! I highly recommend her as an author and this particular story Plain Truth is the best I've read in a while!

But on to my vacation diet..I started out good with a green smoothie this morning. Lunch was a turkey sandwich on wheat bread with provolone cheese and spinach leaves and two peaches. Dinner was fried shrimp and rice, a salad with ranch and some bread. Not the healthiest dinner but it's vacation..I'm allowed a cheat every now and then right?

We are staying on the 14th floor of our condo so here is our lovely view. While taking this picture with my phone, I had a feeling that at any moment, my fingers would open leaving my phone to plummet to certain death. Thankfully this did not happen and I successfully took the picture. :)

Just sleepy little me, saying goodnight! I'll write again soon so stay tuned!

Happy reading!