Hey everyone!

I'm Chandler! I'm 20-year-old pre-dental hygiene student going into my third year of college! I love to workout and write so I'm combining my love of both into this blog. So in general it will be about getting fit, but I'll probably throw a little of my life in there as well! I hope you enjoy reading and feel free to contact me anytime, I love making new friends!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

The beach life for me!!

We made it to the beach around 6:20 this morning after driving all night. Let me tell you, riding in the back of a Suburban sandwiched between two little brothers all night isn't my idea of a good time. We met up with my grandparents and aunt and cousin down here and had some fun on the beach today. Only a little seaweed in the water but overall it is beautiful!

This is my new obsession! I asked mom for a book that I could read at the beach and she handed me this. Jodi Picoult is a master storyteller. She can weave an intricate tale with shocking twists that will leave you turning the pages just to read one more sentence! I highly recommend her as an author and this particular story Plain Truth is the best I've read in a while!

But on to my vacation diet..I started out good with a green smoothie this morning. Lunch was a turkey sandwich on wheat bread with provolone cheese and spinach leaves and two peaches. Dinner was fried shrimp and rice, a salad with ranch and some bread. Not the healthiest dinner but it's vacation..I'm allowed a cheat every now and then right?

We are staying on the 14th floor of our condo so here is our lovely view. While taking this picture with my phone, I had a feeling that at any moment, my fingers would open leaving my phone to plummet to certain death. Thankfully this did not happen and I successfully took the picture. :)

Just sleepy little me, saying goodnight! I'll write again soon so stay tuned!

Happy reading!


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    1. Thanks for reading I really appreciate it! I've been on vacation this past week so I haven't been very good at updating but I will try to fix everything soon!!
