Hey everyone!

I'm Chandler! I'm 20-year-old pre-dental hygiene student going into my third year of college! I love to workout and write so I'm combining my love of both into this blog. So in general it will be about getting fit, but I'll probably throw a little of my life in there as well! I hope you enjoy reading and feel free to contact me anytime, I love making new friends!

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Florida Bound in 3..2..1

Finally the day has come where I can put off packing no longer! We are embarking on our family vacation tonight and my bags must be ready to roll. To get my energy up and body ready for the daunting task of packing, I throw together my breakfast in the form of a smoothie (I wasn't kidding when I said they were my new favorite thing!)

I put spinach, flaxseed, strawberries, Chobani 0% greek yogurt mango flavored, a banana and some ice and drank that smoothie right down. It was delicious!

Then, to procrastinate a little longer, I got on my computer and played around on Pinterest and looked at some of the blogs I follow..until I decided I needed to get my butt in gear!

My new strategy to this packing experience was to put together outfits before I threw everything in a bag so I would have them ready to go when I was on vacation. It still ended up looking like a massive explosion of shorts, shirts, swimsuits, shoes and other miscellaneous items!

I finally was able to cram everything in and now I'm officially ready to be a beach bum!

When you hear from me again I'll be in Florida soaking up the sun!

Happy reading! And happy workouts!

Friday, June 29, 2012

Smoothie Fix

So I went for a three mile run and when I got home I was craving a smoothie! I threw together some ingredients, poured them in the blender, turned that baby on and when I finally got a sip of my masterpiece, it was heaven! Seriously, it's the best smoothie I've had yet!

These are the ingredients I used:

1 Banana
1 Spoonful of Peanut Butter
1/2 Cup of Greek Chobani 0% Blueberry Yogurt
2 Cups of Baby Spinach
2 Tbsp of Ground Flax Seeds

                                                          Just enjoying my creation!!

I can't wait to have another! So everyone who reads this should first, finish reading this, and second, go throw these ingredients in a blender so you can find out for yourself how good it tastes! So go..now! :)

Happy reading! And happy workouts!!

Sand in my toes, the sun on my nose!

I love the beach and big floppy sun hats! The relaxing sound of the ocean just takes me miles away from stresses and worries. But alas, taking a vacation does not mean that I need to also take a vacation away from my mission to get fine and fit! So I'm leaving to go to the beach on Saturday and I'm already planning my early morning runs along the beach before the rest of the world wakes up. I'm also carrying my blender with me to make my new favorite thing, green smoothies! I just feel so incredibly healthy when I drink them. Yesterday I just went out on a limb and piled a bunch of things together for one but when I tasted it..it tasted a little like spinach and not fruit. I suffered through and drank it though for all of its nutritional value.

Who else likes to run at the beach? I find it a lot more exhausting than just running on pavement or track because of always sinking down. But I do enjoy the crashing of the waves next to me. By the way these are my new favorite indulgence! I love the color and feel, so bright! 

Question of the day:

What do you like to do when you run on the beach? Do you run on the soft or hard sand? Do you wear tennis shoes or go barefoot??

I'd love to hear from you!
Happy reading! Happy workouts!!  

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Do not reward yourself with food, you are not a dog!

I saw this quote and realized how true it is for me and, I'm only guessing here, but also for others! I eat well all day and then right after I work out something in my brain triggers the "I love junk food and I deserve it because I worked out today!" response.

But once I eat it I immediately regret it and wish that I could go back and change it. So why do I not think about that regret beforehand and choose not to eat it? I guess because I'm selfish and want that little bit of pleasure! But I'm pledging to try and say no to junk food and pick healthy foods to eat and then I'll be regret free!

What are some of the ways that you say no to junk food? I'd love to hear your ideas and be inspired to keep eating clean! Just leave a comment!

Happy reading! And happy work outs!

My New Favorite Thing

Two words, Green Smoothies. I know that green smoothies aren't new. People, including myself, have known about them for a while. But until I decided yesterday to try one I found on Pinterest (I am quite the avid pinner lately), I had no idea what deliciousness would greet my taste buds. The first one I tried was like a little taste of heaven. You can find the recipe to it below.

Thanks Iowa Girl Eats!

You can pretty much try as many combinations as you want! It's like Sonic..except with fruit and spinach. I tried one this morning with this combination:

1 Orange peeled and segmented
6 Large Strawberries
1/2 a Banana cut into chunks
2 cups of Spinach
1/3 a cup of Chobani 0% Vanilla Yogurt
1 cup of Ice

I thought it had a bit of a twang from the oranges, so if you aren't a big orange person I would only put about half an orange or substitute a different fruit for it, but overall I quite enjoyed it!

I was also looking around for information about greet smoothies and stumbled upon this girls Q&A about them and she had some really good information!

Thanks Green Thickies!

So if you are just getting started on your healthy diets or you've been drinking green smoothies for a while, there is always a chance you don't know everything about them and want to learn more!

So check that out and if you have a favorite smoothie recipe you want to share, comment it! I would love to be able to expand my green smoothie recipes! And of course I would love to hear from my readers and know how to make this blog better!

Happy reading! And happy workouts!                                                     -C

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Just a little about me:

Hey everyone! My name is Chandler and as you can probably tell, I love to work out. So I decided to combine my love of working out and writing to create this blog to help not only inspire myself but hopefully to help others in their own journeys in the world of fitness. 

I am currently in the beginning of my journey, although I have "worked out" for a while, I have never been consistent with it up until now. But the fitness page on Pinterest has inspired me to become fit over just becoming thin so I've ventured over from my treadmill and I've been wandering in the land of machines and weights to increase my muscle tones. I've also discovered that although cardio does burn fat, muscle burns more calories per pound than fat does just on a day to day basis. So cardio is great for getting that heart healthy and increasing respiration, but muscle is also required to help get that overall fit body that looks so healthy! 

I'm sure a lot of you readers already know this but to those select few that don't, it is always great to learn something new everyday! So go out and tell those friends of yours and impress them with your knowledge! 

I'm just learning about this whole blog thing so please be patient with me and I'll try my hardest to learn as I go. But I hope that I can inspire and also be inspired by all of you out there in blog land.

Happy reading! And happy workouts!                                                      -C